Why Do They Hate Us?
More accurately why do they despise and mock us? Is there no limit to the degradation and insult that the Blue Staters will heap upon us Red Staters?
This morning's email contains yet another offer from the "American Refinance Group" (yeah, right), telling me that "As of midnight, The [Jones] family residence at Po Box [xxxxxx] . . . is Pre-Qualified ." Further, the message assures me that "[s]low or none payment history OK" and that "4 out of 5 people are accepted
in most cases." (emphasis added)
Now, it's true that most of us folk in flyover country fell off a turnip truck - but not last night for crying out loud. So what initially appears to be an attempt at economic flattery descends immediately into an obvious and wicked insult intended to spite us with its faux peon grammar.
The message itself, however, is nothing when compared to the source address of the email -
I say, "Cease, fishwife." Taunt me no more. You and all of your qgetboob cronies - sore losers, the lot of you - channel your ire in some other, more positive direction. Look into your own hearts and cast out the dark spirits there. Only then can you step out into the Light and feel the love that we Red Staters share for our country and understand the respect we carry for the vast store of Good that America offers the rest of the world.
But, if the APR gets down under 5%, give me a call.